Sponsorship Opportunities
Thank you for your support! Your sponsor dollars help us educate about the vibrant legal history of the West, and even more vitally, about the importance of an independent judiciary. For over 40 years the NJCHS has offered a broad variety of exciting programs on topics as varied as Water in the West, Voting Rights, the First Amendment, Women in the Law and more!
Many of these programs are offered at no cost, but in order to do so WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT. Help us to continue to be able to share inspiring stories about how the law, lawyers, and the judiciary contribute to the ideal of “justice for all.”
To secure a sponsorship, contact Robyn Lipsky: ExecutiveDirector@NJCHS.org. Jump to sponsorship levels>>
SPONSOR BENEFITS: Reach to the legal community across the Ninth Circuit
- Your logo in our newsletter (seen by 2500 subscribers monthly!)
- Your ad in our journal, Western Legal History (seen by 2500 subscribers!)
- Your logo on our website’s sponsorships page (seen by 1000 visitors each month!)
- Recognition at the Ninth Circuit Conference: Be featured in new membership materials and at the NJCHS table, seen by over 600 members of the legal community throughout the Ninth Circuit! (Champion, Hero, and Advocate levels only)
- Recognition at live and virtual NJCHS events across the Circuit (1500+ annual attendees!)
Upcoming events include:- May 4: Water Law in the Colorado River Basin (Phoenix)
- June 14: The Bill Edlund Award for Professionalism in the Law honoring Elizabeth Cabraser (San Francisco)
- June 15: Treasure Hunt and Trivia Night (San Francisco)
- July 30: Ninth Circuit Conference (Portland)
- September 14: Annual Gala (Seattle)
- September 19: Water Law (Los Angeles)
- October 24: Water Law (San Francisco)
- October 26: Bankruptcy Courts (Pasadena)
- November 2: Use of History Program with Judge Berzon, Dean Erwin Chemerinsky, and Pulitzer Prize-winning author and Stanford Professor Emeritus Jack Rakove
- November 17: Water Law (Las Vegas)
- TBA: Water Law (Sacramento)
- Recognition at our Gala (175+ members of the legal community!)

Sponsorship Options

Don’t see a sponsorship level that meets your needs?
We’re happy to discuss further options! Contact the Executive Director, Robyn Lipsky, to craft a sponsorship for your organization: ExecutiveDirector@NJCHS.org.